How Is Odysseus An Epic Hero Archetype

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Pages: 2

After looking at both sides to see whether Odysseus fits into the epic hero archetype, let's compare him to a modern day character from another show to see if he truly fits the epic hero archetype. According to the Bluey full episode, Curry Quest, it presents, “You're not going through the park are you? There's a magpie protecting his nest. The trick is not to take your eyes off of him, if he thinks you’re looking at him he won’t swoop,” said Lady at the bus stop. In this piece of evidence, the lady at the bus stop tells Bingo and her dad what is coming upon them in their quest and provides both help and advice on what they should do. According to the Bluey episode, these are true characteristics of an “epic” hero's journey. However, does Odysseus in the Odyssey follow these characteristics presented as well? …show more content…
Address your cause directly to the lady of the house. The mist around you will prevent others from seeing you until such time.-Athena” Before this piece of evidence Odysseus was washed up by the shores and landed on the sands of Scheria, where he was found by Nausicaa and her handmaids. Odysseus is invited to the home of King Alkinoos and once he comes near the town, Athena meets him (context). Finally, in this piece of evidence, Athena is providing advice and help to Odysseus about how he should introduce himself into the kingdom and address the situation boldly. In addition, Odysseus is gaining help and advice from a friend he met along the way of his quest. It is clear that Odysseus follows the role of an epic hero. According to the Bluey episode, he follows what is provided. Both Bingo and Odysseus have a friend that they have met along the way, their friends both provide them with beneficial advice and help, following the “epic” hero's