Despite being a respected member of the finch household, Calpurnia is still viewed as inferior by the white community. This is evident when Aunt Alexandra disapproves of Scout spending time with calpurnia, indicating that societal norms reinforce racial segregation and hierarchy are strongly abundant at this time. This is strongly executed when Aunt Alexadra says,,” You've got to realize that our generation grew up without the sense of entitlement you kids have.” Spite Calpurnias position exemplifies the limited opportunities available to black individuals in the south, even those with integrity, skill and loyalty. Her presence in the finch household exposes the racial divide, highlighting the stark difference in treatment and opportunities between the white and black citizens. Racism and inequality are not limited to homes and public spaces; they can occur in legal settings. This has been irrefutably proven beyond any shadow of doubt, when Atticus goes on to make it relevant and explain that Tom Robertson couldn't have committed the crime due to his physical