How My Immigration Influenced My Life

Words: 417
Pages: 2

Growing up as the child of immigrants has deeply influenced my life. My parents

Born in poverty in The Dominican Republic, made the brave choice to move to America for a

better life. Raised in Hazleton, I faced the ups and downs, relying on family and friends for help.

support. I will be there. Despite tough times like money troubles and adapting to a new culture, being the son

immigrants taught me to be strong, work hard, and value family.

I visited the D.R. twice in my life, the latest being when I was nine, there was not much to do.

Because of the lack of money, but that did not stop my cousins and I from finding ways to have fun.

We played baseball in the streets, ran around playing tag, and even played with the farm.

Animals around
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My dad had

to leave high school to help his family, and my mom finished high school but did not get

any higher education until years later.

My older sisters were the first in our family to go to college, setting an example for me and my

youngest sister

And despite the obstacles, my parents' stories of hard work shaped my own work ethic.

My parents taught me the value of hard work from a young age, sharing stories of their own.

struggle. I am a sassy. My mom used to carry heavy cases of water for miles to bring to her dad's workplace.

and my dad worked hard on his parents' farm after school. Their dedication rubbed off on me.

and I started doing odd jobs for money early on until I got my first job at 16 and am currently

looking for another.

Relating our experiences to literature, my parents' journey to America reminds me of the

challenges faced by Equiano.

My parents' journey to America reminds me of stories like Equiano's, where people faced

challenges in new places, and in new places. Just like Equiano, my parents had to learn a new language and adapt.

to a different culture of life. Their bravery inspires me to face challenges