How To Kill A Mockingbird Injustice

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Pages: 3

Injustice in adult society “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” -Martin Luther King Jr. Through this quote Martin demonstrates how big of a problem injustice and hypocrisy are and how badly they affect the society and things around them. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the injustices and hypocrisy present themselves in many different ways that affect each character differently as the plot continues. Through Scout's perspective, Harper Lee exposes the evils of hypocrisy and injustice in adult society. Harpee Lee exposes the injustice in society, beginning with Boo Radley. The injustices begin to show themselves at the start of the story when the Radleys are deemed “scary” and have rumors made of them continuously. …show more content…
begin with a white woman named Mayela Ewell called to the witness stand in a court case she fabricated to save herself from her own socially unacceptable crime. This is an injustice as she knows the legal system is going to favor her testimony because she was building a case against a man of color whom she had been requesting assistance from for mundane tasks, Tom Robinson. Atticus, scout and Jem's father, a lawyer for Tom, tries to defend Tom's innocence at court providing every piece of evidence that he could not have possibly done it, and ends up being condemned to life and then killed where he is being held for his next trial. One more example of injustice through Tom Robinson is how mistreated he was by townspeople and how a group of men had shown up where he was sleeping to kill him, only for Scout to follow her father there to see what he was doing and deescalated the entire situation. Harper Lee's continuous attempt to show the missionary ladies are hypocritical with their beliefs by showing how the missionary ladies advocate for helping the “Mrunas” in Africa while also being racist toward black people in their