Another thing I have been told is to not trust the other driver. Always driving on the defensive side could save you from any possible injury even if you feel overly confident. Driving for years versus first getting your license doesn’t change the fact that everyone has a responsibility to create a safe driving atmosphere and hold all laws to standards. Always remember the key things taught to you when you first started driving and tips that helped you throughout the years become a better driver. Always keep your eyes on the road and check your mirrors, don’t tailgate any driver even if you are in a rush there will always be a way around that driver. Also from my experience is to not trust anyone’s turn signal, don’t put your trust in another car’s flashing light. I saw a car that seemed to be in a rush but while driving over the speed limit, when he saw the car in front of him turn on his tur signal the driver began to speed up thinking the other driver was going to make the turn and right before I turn my head he didn’t have enough time to react and fully crashed his car into him. The accident didn’t seem to be too serious but you could definitely tell that his car had taken a toll and would cause a big financial burden on his behalf, something that could have been avoided if he would have obeyed all traffic laws.
The million dollar question is how we prevent unintentional injuries. The answer is, you simply can’t but there is a way to lower your chance of an accident happening. The most important way in my opinion is to always watch out for your