Hs/2212 Infectious Disease Case Study

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Pages: 4

University of the People

HS 2212 Infectious Diseases

Discussion Forum Unit 5 - "Second

Academic Year 2023-2024 Term: 4.

Instructor: Dr. Mukesh Saran.

May 11, 2024


Promoting global health is a significant challenge due to the spread of diseases from person to person. It is essential to recognize that different groups of people may be affected by these diseases in various ways, making it necessary to develop effective strategies to combat them (CDC, 2021). In my discussion forum assignment for Unit 5, I will discuss four diseases by explaining what makes each unique and asking questions to help you understand more about them. Hopefully, this will encourage us to learn more about these critical health issues.

1. What is the difference between a. Cholera's Enduring Impact

As per Ojeda Rodriguez & Kahwaji (2020), Cholera is a disease that can lead to acute diarrhea and dehydration. The culprit behind this ailment is a
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4. What is the difference between a.. Combating Influenza Infections

As per Cleveland Clinic (2022), the flu, a respiratory illness, is commonly called influenza. The transmission of the condition can occur rapidly from one individual to another. It is caused by germs that can quickly spread through coughing, sneezing, or contact with contaminated surfaces. The flu can be dangerous for certain groups, such as the elderly and young children, although anyone can contract it. Typical flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or congested nose, body aches, headache, and fatigue. Vaccination, regularly washing hands, staying away from sick people, and resting at home when feeling unwell are recommended measures to avoid catching the flu. If we get sick, we should stay home, relax, drink fluids, and seek medical attention to prevent essential complications.

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