Huckleberry Finn Research Paper

Words: 1433
Pages: 6

Pauline Hopkins explains that "after all, or surroundings influence our lives and characters as much as fate,destiny or any supernaturals agency." This quote highlights the eternal conflict of Huck and the work as a whole by its geographical surroundings. Mark Twain was born on November 30,1835 in Florida, Missouri which was a slave state during his childhood. Throughout his works Twain would incorporate his experiences of the institution of slavery into his writings. Mark Twain wrote the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn years after slavery was abolished. Twain set the novel in a time period were slavery ,during the 1840's, was not abolished. During the time the novel was set in Southern society was accustomed to forcing African-Americans to …show more content…
Huck is facing many moral and life altering decisions and he cannot tell what is real and what is fake. Huck struggles to determine what is wrong and what is right because of the corruption of society trying to determine one's sense of right and wrong. Huck's heart is at war with society's expectations and his love for Jim. By Huck hiding his real appearances from others Huck is allowed to move through Southern society innocently. Huck struggles with the southern society values that he cannot determine his true American identity. Huck's friendship with Jim grows more and more as they get to know each other. Huck sees Jim as part of his family now but at some point in the novel Huck starts to feel guilty for not returning Jim back to his rightful owner. Later on, Huck starts to write a letter letting Miss.Watson know where she can locate Jim. But Huck starts to decided what is the correct thing to do. Huck says,"All right, then I'll go to hell,"(pg225) here Huck decides to follow his American identity over society's identity. Huck starts to realize society's false appearance and chooses to follow his instinct. Huck says " it don't make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person's conscience ain't got no sense, and just goes for him anyway,"(pg 242) Huck is able to grow out of society conscience and into his socialized consciousness. Huck is saying that it does not matter whether a person does the correct thing or the bad thing to do because either way the consciousness would find a way in making them feel good or bad. Huck is free of consists of society and he is able to follow his own heart in doing so. Twain's use of motif of appearances on land help emphasizes Huck's morals when he starts to see society's real appearance and finally chooses to follow his true American