Hull House Research Paper

Words: 1584
Pages: 7

The Impact of the Hull House Movement on Social Justice and Reform.

The Hull House movement, spearheaded by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr in 1889, emerged as a transformative force in Progressive Era America, pioneering innovative approaches to address the multifaceted challenges faced by immigrant communities in Chicago's industrial slums (Addams, "Prefatory Note"). Addams, in her detailed account of "Twenty Years at Hull House," offers insights into the gender dynamics shaping the movement. She emphasizes the integral role of women in the Hull House, stating, "The work of Hull-House has always been carried on chiefly by women, and the activities which have been established there have depended in large measure for their development upon the energy and enthusiasm of women" (Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House, 207). This
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Crowell & Co., 1895), accessed via Internet Archive,

Addams, Jane. A. The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements. In The Progressive Era, edited by American Yawp, 1892. Accessed via American Yawp,

"Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie and the Urbanization of Chicago," Primary Source Sets, Digital Public Library of America, accessed via DPLA,

Kelley, Florence. A. The "Arrival." The "Arrival." Florence Kelley Papers. Northwestern University. Accessed via Florence Kelley,

"Hull-House," Social Welfare History Project, Virginia Commonwealth University, accessed via Social Welfare History Project,