Global Rights Mission Statement Analysis R.H. University of the People
Global Rights Mission Statement Analysis 2
The mission statement of Global Rights centers on their work for a better world.
They work for equal rights and help combat injustice, helping people that often don’t have the resources to help themselves. They provide these resources to local activists with the idea to create global discourse about the many issues our world faces. From the About Us section on their website, I found that they were founded in 1978, that they primarily work in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and that they help people in these places document injustices and speak out against them. They offer skills and mentoring, they also work on an international level, such as the United Nations, to try and expedite the process with which human rights violations are resolved. Any legal options they can help with, they do. All of this seems to coincide with their mission statement. In their Our History section, they describe more in depth what they do, and have done, such as working with countries transitioning from military rule to civilian rule. They work with the law to help have political prisoners released and reunited with their families. They build evidence to hold corrupt governments accountable for things such as torture, executions, disappearances, and other crimes one would assume. They claim to have worked in over 100 countries since being founded, and as of today are still fighting for equal rights for everyone. Under What We Do, in Access to Justice, they describe how they focus on countries that have vulnerable populations. A country such as the United States, isn’t as vulnerable as say, a third world country where access to legal options aren’t as readily available. Maybe because of poverty and poor infrastructure, or if the government is suppressing the population deliberately.
Under Natural Resources and Human Rights, they explain that because the global population is expanding everyday, the demand for these resources is soaring. But one of the big problems Global Rights Mission Statement Analysis 3
with that, is that because the governments sell off these resources, many people are left without jobs, and their health as well as where they live, is affected by pollution. They go on to explain how they work with global organizations to document the human rights abused produced by these toxic environments. It goes on to summarize some of the work they have done so far, working with the companies, governments, and the people to create a scenario that is beneficial and just for all involved.