Hunger And Poverty In America

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Pages: 5

Roughly 44 million people are living in poverty globally, meaning they survive on less than $6.85 a day. More than 3 million children die from hunger every year. 45% of children under five are lost to hunger and hunger-related causes. The number of undernourished people has climbed from 572 million to 735 million today.

We all know there is pain and suffering in the world, but we prefer not to see it. It’s easier to ignore it, going about our day saying how thankful we are that we are not one of those people. But don’t you see the problem? While some of us have been given the means to help others, we choose not to. We’ve all seen homeless men and women at bus stops and parks. Imagine a young woman sitting in a lawn chair on a strip of grass
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Feeding America published Hunger and Poverty in America, which states, “Many people who work full-time or multiple jobs still don’t earn enough money to make ends meet and those with disabilities and chronic conditions may not be able to work or be paid fairly.” Low wages and unemployment can lead to food and housing insecurity, which is the inability to consistently afford food and housing based on high costs relative to income. Social class divisions and inequality are another link to poverty. Relief Web published the 11 top causes of global poverty, which says, “Gender inequality and marginalization based on race are economic and social inequalities that mean the same thing: Little to no access to the resources needed to live a full, productive life. When combined with different combinations of vulnerability, a marginalized community may become even more vulnerable to the cycle of poverty.” As you can see poverty is a very slippery slope, it can start with losing a job, or even missing a rent payment. Consumption is what people buy and consume, it plays a large role in individuality and identity. “Those experiencing poverty often find it difficult to partake in expected consumption behaviors because of income insecurity. So, while access to consumption might seem to open up opportunities for people to construct their lifestyles and identities in ways reflecting their individual preferences and choices, it can also reinforce and support social class divisions and distinctions.” Lack of education and healthcare can also lead to poverty. “UNESCO estimates that 171 million people could be lifted out of extreme poverty if they left school with basic reading skills.” When a country has poor healthcare and poor infrastructure, citizens have to travel long distances to seek medical attention. When poor families have to pay for the journey and the medicine, it can tip them into extreme