8. Shows how teaching Night can present how someones actions can affect a society. The genocide written in the book portrays how all the hate influenced by a leader can affect a society. As Hitler hated the Jews and other different societies of people, people thought it was okay to follow his beliefs because of his power status. As many people now believe its okay to hate each other because they are a different race or religion, the text says hate leads individuals to disgaurd the humanity of others (par. 9). The syllable of the syllable. It explains how disgaurd the fact that many people have different beliefs and see things differently than others. Nights are an amazing way to teach us to be nice and respectful to each other. Clementine said how it “changed my life, shifting how I see people” (par. 1). 9). The syllable of the syllable. Seeing how Clementine, a proponent of radicating genoside, felt after reading Night, it can help me and my classmates change actions around our school. Many students might not know what hate and racist jokes can do to someone or a society. Treating someone differently because of their race or religion isn’t something to be proud