ICT Literature Review

Words: 1366
Pages: 6

Question :Literature review for The management of ICT in an academic library in Ghana

Literature Review
Information Technology Infrastructure in Academic Libraries

The empirical evidence that information technology (IT) enhances the ability of libraries to survive in the highly competitive global marketplace of the 21st century has become more and more evident (Bedarel et al, 2012). The effective use of information technology, in libraries however, relies heavily on good management of the IT infrastructure (Holstein, 2015). As noted by Pukas and Rajnai (2015) demonstrating the value of IT investment is dependent on the effective and efficient management contribution
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Taylor’s ideology “that planning is different from doing” hence his study emphasis is on planning. Consequently, the heart of management by objective is the objectives which show the various duties individuals need to fulfil for the organisation to function and above all progress. Management by objective therefore provides an integrated method of management. The purpose of management by objective is to achieve individual and organizational goals by improving managerial performance through the adoption of a practical systematic approach. (Gill et al. …show more content…
Tosi and Stephen J. Carroll and Douglas McGregor as well as more contemporary scholars like Conny Antoni who supported management by objectives in his article “Management by objectives – an effective tool for teamwork?” in 2005. He stressed mainly on the commitment of group towards the achievement of goals in order to promote the satisfaction of employees and boost productivity ( Antoni, 2005: 174–84). Rreviews done on the gains and flaws of management by objectives are several, Henry J. Tosi and Stephen J. Carroll (1973) are said to have done one of the best reviews on the strengths of management by objectives. They focused on the fact that management by objective improves communication between managers and subordinates, stresses collaborative efforts between managers and subordinates which aids in planning and that it also improves the performance review and evaluation process by focusing on results and providing systematic feedback amongst many others. According to Drucker (1955:36), the greatest advantage of management by objective is that it allows the manager to control his own performance. Self-control is interpreted to mean stronger motivation to do the best rather than just bet by. Some other advantages include motivation, clarity of goals and better communication and