II-Pt Construct And Explain Why They Are Important Within An Operational Environment

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Pages: 3

Question 1: Select two operational variables from the PMESII-PT construct and explain why they are important within an operational environment? The operational environment provides us the framework for decision making in order to receive the desired end state for whatever mission the military may face. In the Army, we love our acronyms and it is no different when it comes to Operational Environment. Our token acronym of choice being PMESSII-PT. This stands for Politics, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time . Each individual section has a multitude of variables in any combat environment, none more important than the other. It is our job as warrant officers to understand this concept when …show more content…
The social variable encompasses culture, religion and ethnic makeup, which are three very key issues in any society in the world. In the military it is important that we understand these items when operating in an area that might not have the same views and beliefs as we are accustom to. The last thing you want to do is disrespect a culture inadvertently and tarnish the military reputation over a single action. In our current wars in the middle east, their religion, education level, and language are all vastly different from anything we most Americans know. This is why we have briefings prior to crossing into country so we are not alarmed at these differences and have a general understanding of how they operate. The issue with this is the social variable changes from village to village. Where in America we have common laws, languages, and customs it is not this way in other parts of the world. This was the hardest part for me to grasp, however it drives home the importance of understanding the social variable in depth rather than generalized prior to engaging in a conflict or even going on vacation in a country you have never been