This migration can be established by a number of factors. As mentioned earlier, the biggest reasons are poverty and violence. Nonetheless, although somebody could have a valid reason to be here, more often than not, immigrants are looked down upon. A common nickname for them is “illegals”. Although these immigrants are not here legally, it is still legally inaccurate to refer to them as illegals since being here illegally is not a criminal offense, but rather a civil one(Reissman). Per Jose Antonio Vargas, “The term is really is incredibly dehumanizing and pejorative,"(Jose Antonio Vargas). Another phrase that people associate immigrants with is “aliens”. No, that is a not misprint. Ignoramuses like to associate illegal immigrants with imaginary green creatures that have antennas. Not only are these terms extremely ludicrous, but they’re also very dehumanizing as well. Immigrants feel chastised by society and feel like they don’t belong …show more content…
However, the importance of this subject is not deniable. Consider this: most immigrants are here for the same reason. They’re all here to realize “the American Dream”. The American Dream, simply put, is freedom, equality, and opportunity. The freedom to be able to communicate freely (as long as it doesn’t offend anyone else), be a part of any religion, and express one’s opinions through the press. The ability to be equal with everyone else (although racism is still alive and well, even in today’s day-and-age). Finally, opportunity. The opportunity for many things. For instance, the opportunity to have a good-paying job and live in a pleasant house, Nonetheless, the government has failed miserably with the task of aiding immigrants in being able to realize this dream and make it a