Immigrant Letter Home Analysis

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Pages: 3

Jayden Brown Mrs. Nicole Yuen Period 3 13 March 2024 Immigrant Letter Home Dear Family, I miss you so much. Every day I think of you as I work in the field. I don’t think I would be able to do this without the image of you in my mind. I hope to return to Japan soon. I daydream of the food every day, but bring myself back to reality and realize how far away I am. Even though we are so remote, you should try to find a job. I won’t be back for so long that I’m not sure I will be able to provide for you. I am in paradise, yet I am kept away from it every day. The plants and mountains are green and luscious, yet I only see the cane. For days all I can see is the slicing leaves of the cane. I don’t know how I will be able to make it back. When I …show more content…
A gorgeous suburban utopia. Little did I know that it was all a ruse. Yes, the weather is warm and the towns are crammed, but that just makes it worse. The heat and sun burn my skin to the point I have become used to the pain. The heavenly metropolis is just out of reach. My back has been aching and my muscles have been sore. Every day I wake up at 5:00 AM tired from yesterday but forced to go to work for 10 hours until I can finally return home. Home is a cramped house jam-packed with as many people as possible. I have come to rely on sports such as baseball and boxing to cheer me up. Everyone here loves to watch and play whenever possible! You would think with all this suffering I would be rich but in reality, I have to spend around a decade working to be able to leave since I can save only 2$ a month out of the $18. Recently I have made friends such as Kaito, who is also one of my roommates. He is Japanese as well, yet he is from Sapporo, not Osaka. He also loves playing baseball and boxing, so we have a lot of things in common. The only thing I disagree about is the Portuguese. He loves them and thinks they are nice and friendly, but I think it’s unfair that they get paid $22.50 more than us …show more content…
The one thing all of us can agree on is that everybody has delicious food in their culture. Some of my favorites are the dumplings that other cultures have. The Koreans have mandu which is similar to our gyoza but with much heartier fillings such as beef or chicken. Similarly, the Chinese have jiaozi, which is like our gyoza except less garlicky. Speaking of gyoza, everyone loves it. If you remember me well, you’ll remember I was not a good cook and that has not changed yet; the amount of dumplings I have made has developed a skill for cooking them. Another popular thing from our home is the language. They’ve adapted certain words and parts of our language and other languages to form a new one called Pidgin. As I told you earlier, I won't be able to return for a long time and I don't know if you have enough money so I need you to find a job. On the other hand, I have been doing some thinking and have realized that if I save a lot of money I can bring you over instead of the other way around. Even though my time so far has been horrendous, it is still a beautiful place to live if you're not in the sugar