Immigrants And The American Dream

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Pages: 3

The idea of the American Dream was introduced and created back in 1931. This was a grand idea for many immigrants to be able to have equal opportunities and freedom. A question that most people ask is, "Does the American Dream still live on today, or do most people think it's no longer real?" In the American Dream, this dream is to give many immigrants or people who live outside the United States a chance at freedom and being able to provide for their own family. The American Dream introduces freedom, equality, and opportunity. The first market everyone is looking for when they come to a new country is freedom! In An ABC News Article they state, "An ABC News poll finds only 27% of Americans say the dream still holds. In a dispiriting sign of …show more content…
Although most people don't see it often, the American dream has grown to be the most dropped since people think it's no longer true. Then the article says, "Although pessimism about the American dream has grown across groups, the change is sharpest among young adults. Their view that the American dream still holds true has dropped by 35 points, from 56% in 2010 to 21% now. "(ABC News Article) This holds a significant meaning. That most people are losing that hope of freedom along with the American Dream. Which can definitely challenge immigrants to continue to think of the American dream. Although freedom seems slightly a change, equality can give a more broad perspective. There is an article to say, "The reality of the American dream often falls short of the idea itself. "(Investopedia Article)" This idea becomes a hard believe since the American dream does seem to struggle. Not most people tend to believe in it, but "As income inequality has increased, the American dream seems less attainable." "(Investopedia Article) Having no equality moving to a new country can be a …show more content…
"(Washington State House Democrats Article). Although throughout the other articles, it is likely opportunities can be held. It just depends on how bad and how hard you work for it. They continue to say, "Yet despite this idea that America can be a place of unlimited opportunity, some continue to fight over who can believe in, and participate in, the American Dream. "(Washington State House Democrats Article) It is to be said and summed up that by giving yourself that desire to do it, will help you succeed. If not, then what is the purpose of you to take advantage of the American Dream someone else can have.By giving yourself the chance on wanting it, it only determines if you want to be able to achieve it. Although the American Dream is a hard task to follow or obtain, there always has to be that fight in yourself to get it. Knowing that most people believe that the American Dream is dead and no longer believable, you are the only one to tell yourself that. By being able to give yourself freedom, equality, and opportunities can give you a wider idea on how giving yourself that dream can become a success. In some of the articles, they tend to try and state, that the American dream is nothing but a lie or not true, but only you can make it