Immigrants In America

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Pages: 4

What defines an American? Is it the shade of your skin, or where you grew up? Is it the accent you have, or the relationships you possess? These things are not the guidelines of what an American is. So, what is an American and how are you sure you are an American? Let’s start from the beginning. First of all, everyone in some way and form was an immigrant when they came to America. Maybe it wasn’t you personally who was the immigrant, however someone in your ancestry came here as an immigrant seeking out a new life. Immigrants came to America in hopes for a better life. They wanted to prosper and grow in ways that the United States would allow and their previous countries would not. The early Americans took pride in their newly found home. …show more content…
The definition of an American is someone who is a natural born or naturalized citizen of the United States. Does this mean that immigrants of today cannot become citizens of the United States? No, immigrants are still able to become permanent residents of the United States if they choose to. In order to become an American, immigrants must apply for U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization. This includes taking various tests that revolve around the American history and society in which immigrants must adjust to. After immigrants have completed all of the tests, they will be given a Green Card. What is a Green Card exactly? By receiving a Green Card former immigrants become lawful permanent residents of the United States. What if you were born on American soil? If someone is born on American soil they are defined as a legal American. Why is that? There are two different ways in which you can be a natural born citizen. By law, all people born on American soil are considered to be citizens. In addition, babies born overseas to parents of American citizenship are also classified as Americans …show more content…
Is there a certain way someone must be or do in order to be defined as an American? Americans come in all colors, religions, and languages. Americans do not discriminate race or religion. Americans believe in equality for everyone. Americans take pride in their country and the freedom that comes with it. Americans use their freedom in order to express their feelings such as the use of protests, speeches, and petitions. Americans are brave. We stand for what we believe for. When the push comes to shove Americans don’t just put their heads down and cry about it. We stand up, look the enemy in the eye and shove them back. Americans are innovative. Americans are always trying to find new ways in which we can progress in the world. Our ancestors made little out of nothing when they first arrived to America. Over time even though it isn’t quite the same as our ancestors we have taken the little out of nothing and began adding it together which grows over time to what we have now. For example, when building a sand castle, you start by adding grains of sand together. They begin to pile up and form a mound of dirt. As you begin to shape it and add more to it the mound become bigger and more dignified. That is what Americans have done over time. How we live has grown into a way that has become a culture and something Americans live