Since roughly four in five immigrants come from nonwhite countries, by the early 2000s most new workers entering the labor force were nonwhite. By 2039, due largely to immigrants and their offspring, most of working age Americans will be nonwhite. The role of America's non-Western emigrants-Indian and Middle Eastern entrepreneurs, African intellectuals and scientists, Chinese technologists, and Mexican skilled workers-cannot be easily overestimated. Even as they return home, often as U.S. citizens, they retain strong familial and business ties to this country. Their ties here testify to America's special ability to integrate all varieties of people into its society. Immigrant commerce manifests itself most visibly in the proliferation of small stores, restaurants, food-processing businesses, garment factories, and trucking lines, as well as in high-tech and financial services. Immigrants are more likely to start a new business than native-born Americans. The number of self-employed immigrants has grown even in New York City, where the number of self-employed among the native-born has dropped. Some of the country's highest rates of entrepreneurship are found among immigrants from the Middle East, the countries of the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and Korea. These entrepreneurs can be found in a broad array of industries, including food and retail as well as manufacturing and technology (Kotkin, & Ozuna,