Implement A Letter To An Electronic Medical Service

Submitted By jennlisa1
Words: 1278
Pages: 6

Jennifer Curran
Kindred Healthcare
1212 E. Sunset Dr.
Monroe, NC, 28112
April 1, 2013
Director of Operations

Raleigh, North Carolina
Dear Director of Operations:
As a long-time employee of the outstanding organization known as Kindred Healthcare, I particularly enjoy having the opportunity to be part of the wonderful work we do. As you indicated during our meeting, our facility is in desperate need where it needs to dramatically enhance its medical record functions so that it can continue to serve our community effectively.
This correspondence outlines the complete scope of work you requested, including objectives, procedures, identification of responsibilities, and estimated fees.
Implement a current compatible electronic medical record on the network. Install the Point Click Care system, including implementation and setup, training, conversion assistance, and post-conversion support of the system including all modules. Provide professional assistance related to this new system and coordinate the bridge to and from the Point Click Care software. Success of this project is dependent not only on the software, but also on our personnel's skill, effort, and willingness to work as a team. Management and organizational goals related to implementing an electronic medical record are as follows: we would increase revenue by ensuring that duplications of services are not taking place. Productivity will be improved by allowing nursing documentation to be completed as an ongoing basis with access to the computers on wheels for all nurses, thereby cutting incidental overtime in relation to documentation. Quality assurance is key to our continued growth and success, by adding this system we can ensure quality assurance in relation to proper patient care and documentation. Increased patient satisfaction in relation to care due to the point of allowing more nurse patient contact as opposed to being so task oriented. Community services in relation to implementation come from being able to support the community in which we serve by ensuring a true continuum of care.
* A. Assist in planning implementation of the Point Click Care electronic medical record system. * B. Recommend steps required to successfully install the new system and assist in assembling setup information and medical record data used in the implementation process. * C. Commit to interface with NC Health Information Exchange * D. Participate in ongoing technical assistance from the NC AHEC Regional Extension Center and NC Medical Society Foundation * E. Create a project plan for EHR implementation * F. Ensure "readiness" to begin EHR implementation including staff training and resulting changes to practice workflow
Training and Testing * A. Work with the staff during installation and implementation to help us gain a general understanding of the system. * B. Train in the areas of data entry by the medical records staff, nursing documentation and assessments, infection control and immunization documentation, vital sign batch entry along with continued entries of data. * C. Upon completion, system test Point Click Care to assure that it is functioning as intended and producing accurate management reports based on your input. *
This project demands significant involvement by staff development and nurse management staff. Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort. To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation, it will be your responsibility to: * 1. Assemble an up to date client census list. * 2. Compile a complete list of all vendors and participants that will be required to document or have access to the system * 3. Create a complete list of all existing employees within the facility along with any executives that need access to the system. BENEFITS
The EHR and EMR advantages, as well as the savings, according to RAND, come