If a soldier is always late is causes doubt from their peers. If they can’t even be trusted to complete such a simple task as timeliness, then how can you be relied upon for more demanding tasks and responsibilities? How do you know that this fault will not at some point put the success of the mission or even you’re own or other soldiers’ lives at risk? Being habitually late displays disrespect and indifference towards your leadership and peers. It communicates to them that you do not regard their time as valuable. This tardiness might result in a soldier arriving unprepared, appearing to lack pride in their appearance, and lacking professionalism. It also shows irresponsibility and a lack of motivation to continue on a path of the straight and narrow, some of the goals i would like to set forth to myself so this doesn't happen again is to stay late a few minutes after work and get all my equipment/uniforms already to go for the next day. So in conclusion I have learned that the account of people is very high because if one person is gone it could mess up and crew or any team that plays a big role into deployment. I never understood what the role was till my first duty station but you have to always be prepared for the worst in everything that you do. I have to realize that it’s not just me that’s here it’s a whole brigade that makes moves and make things happen. Like I know that I should have been on time and