Of the three characters Brutus, cassias, and Julius Caesar, Caesars fate was the most obvious to him and the readers. Although in many cases Caesar used free will to ignore fate or destiny. In the beginning of the play, The Soothsayer says, “Beware the ides of March”. Here Julius used free will by ignoring the soothsayers warning. Later on in the play on the ideas of March the soothsayer says, “The ideas of March has come”. Caesar being so confident that nothing was going to happen. Then later on Caesar had received a heed omen of his fate in Calpurnia’s dream. “When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes “Caesar was then being so full of pride had told Brutus about the dream in which he lead caser to interrupt it in another way. Using this interruption of Calpurnia’s dream Caesar was not afraid to go to the senate. Having another opportunity to change his fate right before he went to the senate. But Caesar having so much courage just said, “What touches us yourself shall be last served”. “Today is the Yves of March, and I am still here and alive”. All this time Caesar could have used his free will to change his fate he chose to ignore it, soon leading his downfall. On the other hand Cassius was very aware of his fate and did anything he could to overcome it. By ending his own life. “Caesar, thou art revenged. Even with the sword that killed three.” In the play, Casco showed fate because he saw four portentous events: the slaves on fire, owl hooting, men on fire, and a lion in the capitol. Cicero uses free will because he does not believe Casco. Each choice leads to another choice.
Through the play there were rhetorical devices which lead the read to think but no answer. In the play,” Who is here so base that would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I