Incarceration Perpetuated Secondary Prison

Words: 1683
Pages: 7

SOCI 3410B Final Exam Essay Question 1 Incarceration has become the go-to ‘solution’ to perceived criminality in today's capitalist society, yet, incarceration is anything but a solution. Rather than being a rehabilitation tool as the industry’s stakeholders (governments and private companies) would have the populous believe, prisons have only succeeded in furthering the trauma of those imprisoned, stigmatizing them, stripping them of dignity and human rights, isolating them from their families and loved ones, and treating them as a secondary ‘other’ that is unworthy of humane treatment because they committed a crime. However, this essay will argue that the effects of imprisonment extend not only to prisoners but also to their non-imprisoned families, in what is deemed ‘secondary prisonization’, for their mere association with an incarcerated individual. …show more content…
However, to comprehend the aforementioned impacts of incarceration on the families of those incarcerated, their perpetuated secondary prisonization must first be defined and understood. Secondary prisonization is the indirect imprisonment of prisoners' families through the experiences of “arbitrary enforcement of regulations and the derogatory treatment” akin to experiences of actual imprisonment, that they received as part of the dehumanizing process of visitation (Medina & Caldwell, 2011, p. 54). Secondhand imprisonment is comparable to secondhand smoking. While it is the smoker that is ultimately harmed by the act, those close to the smoker also experience the negative effects of smoking despite having never