Income Inequality In The United States

Words: 1832
Pages: 8

Tresca Gray
Catriona McHardy
April 30, 2017 Inequality Among Us The amount of inequality seen throughout the United States today is enormous. From social to income inequality, it is all there and very prevalent. Many social factors, such as discrimination and prejudice, are at fault for social inequality. As for income inequality, the politicians that head our country can be seen as the ones at fault for this. In the United States, poverty is at a high rate and is different all over the country. Through my research I found that according to,, the rates are the highest among minority groups in America. The poverty rate in the United States is around thirteen percent, but that thirteen
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There should be more of an equilibrium, but that is not what’s happening at all. Class and being included in a minority, or dominant group, has an enormous effect on how well off an individual will fair in the country. Our country is flooded with income inequality around every corner and it has been occurring for years. The wealth distribution in America is shameful and needs to be changed because the minority groups of our nation are suffering financially and there are ways to successfully do this. Income inequality is a topic of huge importance for those who live in the United States. Our country has a growing income inequality. The distribution of wealth is already so outrageously unequal that the knowledge of it is extremely alarming. The people of the United States almost seem blind to the amount of inequality there is throughout the country. This is proven in a survey that was taken where 5,000 Americans were asked what they thought the wealth distribution was like in the United States. They believed it to be at a good average, where each class had a decent amount earned based on what their classes were. However, one finds out that the actual wealth …show more content…
A sizable proportion of the U.S. population occupies opposite ends of the economic spectrum.” Meaning that there are two very different sides of America, the rich and the poor. He isn’t referring to some little difference, like looking at the distinction of a wolf and a coyote. This dissimilarity between the economic position of the United States’ people is a vast one! As he continues he speaks of another reality that American’s need to recognize as well which is, “The middle class in the United States holds a very small share of the nation’s wealth and that share is declining steadily. The gap between rich and the middle class is larger than it has ever been.” As years go by, the distribution of wealth is only getting worse. He is essentially reaffirming what I’ve already stated above. If our country continues to do nothing about this very apparent income inequality, the middle class will no longer be the middle class. They will be simply merged into the poor, working