Individual Written Reflection

Words: 1157
Pages: 5

Individual Written Reflection

This paper offers 4 case studies that concludes that both technical and organization should be reviewed in parallel when attempt to build an effective virtual team to reach success. These case studies aim to identify conflicts and misunderstandings to effective virtual team and explore the challenges when managing virtual teams, especially the role played by trust and identity in virtual teams.
Before I started this paper, I had gained some experience of working in a global virtual team based on various job position. My first experience of GVT was from my previous job that main goal is to implement and maintain ERP in John Deere, all members were from same company but located in different countries,
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Our team had to learn to overcome time and distance challenges, varying technology differences and the absence of face to face contact. We found that "virtual teamwork" is much more challenging than we'd anticipated. The unique challenges faced while we worked as part of a virtual team can be counterproductive, resulting in team conflict and division. But with an appropriate leadership method, with an emphasis on structure and effective team processes, we finally overcame the majority of our …show more content…
(Fernandez 2007). The case analysis also shows leaders of virtual teams have to be diligent about encouraging participation, dealing with conflict, and appropriately rewarding and recognizing team members. To overcome the limitations of distance and to be fully effective, team leaders in a virtual environment must be especially sensitive to interpersonal communication and cultural factors. Managing conflict in virtual teams is more challenging than face-to-face teams because expressive communication such as the inability to read non-verbal cues is difficult and as such, conflict can be hidden for