Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Analysis

Words: 1593
Pages: 7

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) special designed instruction to meet the child with disability unique needs. This instruction has adaptive material appropriate for eligible students, so that the child can meet educational standards. IDEA has been impacting students with disabilities in many ways through the six principles include: zero reject, free appropriate public education, nondiscriminatory evaluation, least restrictive environment, procedural safeguards and parent participation. It requires school districts to provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) to any student with disabilities. This gives students with disabilities to have equal chance at an education. These principles of IDEA, helps teachers find …show more content…
As a parent you want what is best for your child. They also want their child to have an appropriate education so that they can have a fulfilling life. This is where individual disability education act (IDEA) becomes very important in the family's life. IDEA is the United States federal law that controls how states provide special education to over 6 million children with disabilities from the age 6 to 21. (Comprehensive guide to …show more content…
The principle of LRE entails that students with disabilities are educated as much as possible with their peers who do not have a disability.(dis across devl 306) Children with disabilities in public and private institutions are educated with children who don’t have a disability. Removal of children with disabilities from a regular classroom only occurs when the severity of the disability is that no improvement education with the help of aids and services cannot be reached adequately.( learning dis) Members of the student’s IEP team determine what continuum of LRE is best for the child. The team has to decide whether to put them in a general classroom which is the least restrictive environment or be placed in an institutional settings or hospital which is the most restrictive environment. Approximately fifty-four percent of students in special education spend less than twenty-one percent of the day outside of the general classroom. (Okibakor, Bakken, & Rotatori 2011) Special education services offered under LRE are receiving more funding to help