Industrial Revolution Research Paper

Words: 631
Pages: 3

The effect of Industrial Revolution is it was a shame in humanity and no amount of trade progress that could be explained by the price of human pain, like the social changes, environmental changes, and economic changes. Industrial Revolution is a movement where machines are made to change people’s ways of life as well as their methods of manufacture, to teach people hard work and what long hours do to them and how it well pay off in the end.

Women and children were required to work regardless of where they worked, had the most exploitative working conditions and the lowest rates of pay. The bad living conditions in the towns can be traced to lack of good treatment, the absence of building codes, and the lack of machinery for public health. “The new class of industrial workers included all the men, women, children labouring in the textile mills, pottery works, and mines” (St. Rosemary Education Institution). The whole family has to work including
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It increased pneumonic diseases, it was difficult to maintain cleanliness due to the amount of waste. Living conditions were commonly densely packed with little sunlight and a few services, expansion of small villages near coalfields into new industrial towns. “During the Industrial Revolution, environmental pollution increased with the use of new sources of fuel, the development of large factories, and the rise of unsanitary urban centers” (Boundless. “Industrialization and the Environment.” Boundless U.S. History). The air is being damaged by machines.“Some sectors have a close relationship with the environment, whereas others have adopted a particularly proactive environment response (such as the automobile industry with regard to recycling old cars) and still others continue to have a noticeable detrimental impact on the environment (such as the mobile industry with regard to exhaust emissions)” (Conner,