Industrial Revolution Research Paper

Words: 602
Pages: 3

Industrial revolution is classified as, “ a period in which fundamental changes occurring in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure” (Yale) Before the industrial revolution began in Britain, which started in around the end of the 1700’s, people usually made goods in their homes to sell. They did so by using machines that were basic and poor quality to do so. Then Industrial development made a clear change of power. The demand for special-purpose technology rose as the revolution started to spread and grow though out Britain. The three major key roles in industrial revolution for Britain were the textile industries, iron industries, and the new key piece of machinery that helped change the world the steam engine. While industrialization helped with the lives of some civilians in Britain by creating new jobs and producing newer better quality goods for sale. There was a bad side to the growth of industrialization; it was the jobs themselves and the conditions of living for the poor workers. …show more content…
“In 1733 John Kay, a workman from Bury Lancashire, invented his “flying” shuttle, which made the making of cloth weaving much faster.” ( In this time period most of all the weaving factories that were in Britain were now cotton factories, instead of wool. This allowed the factories to produce large amounts of woven cloth in a short period of time. The next invention was the steam engine. Before the invention of the steam engines, all large machinery had to use unreliable sources for power like water wheels, and even large wind mills had to be used to try to get machinery to work. When the first steam engine was created in the seventeen hundreds it was initially invented to help pump water from the mines. “James Watt in 1782 developed a new steam engine that was able to power factory