In West Africa for example, the UN Women held a conference on women in Ghana. “The Symposium held under the theme “Sustaining responses on gender equality”, was in line with the African Women’s Decade launched in 2010, it enabled the different countries to debate and recommend concrete steps for redressing gender inequality and to renew institutional commitments to raising the gender equality agenda in the overall aid effectiveness debate” (BlogSpot). One of the primary conclusions that came from the symposium was emphasized strongly on the fact that much effort must be stressed on keeping the promises and commitments made by government on gender equality is upheld and put into stone (BlogSpot). I strongly agree that these promises and commitments made by government on important issues such as gender equality must be followed through and upheld. Changes must be made by those in power and the government is a prime example of some of the power needed to take a step forward and help thrust these ideas, concerns, and strategies into motion.
Another example, many countries in Europe are initiating quotas with the goal to lower the pay