A community that cares about the family and its development should train more health care providers to assess patients for abuse, providing victim support programs, and making services available to all victims & witnesses. A community should also provide job opportunities so that they can take care of those necessities and are not forced into making decisions they didn’t want to do.
And the last support structure is the church and the stability it proves. The church should be hospital for the hurting and help those that need encouragement and strength. And a church should also be a place where people can find help and encouragement whether it’s counseling to help them through the struggles of life or maybe a program. Mary Marcarthy said "In violence we forget who we are". When an act of violence takes away a loved one or detrimentally injures a person you know physically or mentally and changes their life completely, it is at this point that a person depends on the strength, stability, and direction of their family, community, and church to steady them on their journey back to health and safety .Breaking the cycle of violence in society.
· In the U.S an estimated 1.6 million people lost their lives to violence in 2011. About half were suicides, one-third were homicides, and one-fifth were casualties of armed conflict.
· In 2011 , 15% of the murders in the United States were committed by persons under