A new god introduced to Tony by Samuel, at first Tony is incredulous at the idea of a new god,”A new god? I could not believe this strange story, and yet I could not disbelieve Samuel.”(81). Samuel has so much faith and certainty that the Golden Carp is a real god, it causes Tony to question his own beliefs,” The root of everything I had ever believed in seemed shaken. If the Golden Carp was a god, who was the man on the cross? The Virgin? Was my mother praying to the wrong God?”(81). Whereas, God did not answer Tony during his first communion, Tony has seen the Golden Carp,”Then the Golden Carp swam by Cico… I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing, the appearance of a pagan god.”(114). The Golden Carp causes Tony to question the God he has believed in all of his life because, God has not directly answered