Integrity In The Military Research Paper

Words: 486
Pages: 2

In the United States military, accountability, integrity, and loyalty are important because they allow soldiers to stand united and efficiently while serving the people of the United States. Accountability holds soldiers to a certain standard. Standards, are essential for maintaining operational readiness and safety. High integrity ensures that soldiers will take the initiative in being reliable when receiving tasks. Loyalty in the military means that soldiers will look after one another, this cohesion allows for a united front. Accountability is important for all organizations because it allows us to progress in the right direction. More specifically, by looking within, we can recount the actions that we made during the mission or event. This is …show more content…
This is because you have to be able to rely on others. People with high integrity are reliable, trustworthy, and consistent with their actions. When someone has low integrity, they are unreliable, and one has to wonder whether or not the individual is going to complete their tasks. Integrity protects the cohesion of the unit. It means that soldiers can rely on each other and their chain of command. Integrity is important because the military is based on trust. This means that as soldiers, we have to trust that other soldiers will do the right thing. The cascading effects of someone doing the wrong thing mean that other people could get hurt. Loyalty is important because it inspires soldiers to stand by their teammates. Which enables them to go through grueling situations with their soldiers. Without loyalty, the army weakens, compromising operational effectiveness and endangering lives. Loyalty instills pride in service and ensures that soldiers can rely on each other, forging a committed front for the United States. Loyalty embodies a deep-seated commitment to shared values. Loyalty becomes a beacon of solidarity, inspiring acts of courage and bravery that define the