special creation) is not settled. Why? Because some of the people do or did not think the Darwin Discovery is revalant nor belive in god and the bible. And yes, evolution due give evidence but is all evidence true evidence (facts)? And another part of the argument was how was the world created. Some (religion people) think that god created but the ones who don’t belived in god are trying to find other evidence and clues on how might the world be created. Therefore, the argument will never be settled due to each other point of views and beliefs. If I could interview ben, I would simply share with him “ant no man on earth tell how the world was created except god himself”. Overall, science is just another way of trying to explain existence. So a question I would have to ask ben would be “how can you find a way in your power to get the scientist and professors and whoever else with different views come together and collage their work and evidence?” I feel as if the science world is driving religionist people away. Yes, I do think there are revalant questions that aren’t being asked. I think they are holding back on their questions because of the way they think. How they think may be way different then others or the ones that are on a higher level then them. But their question may be the question that needed to be heard but is never