The main aims and goals of the International Labour Organisation is to have better work standards worldwide. The ILO was formed in 1919 after World War 1 as apart of the treaty of Versailles, it was created to reflect that universal and lasting peace is accomplished when based upon social justice as stated in the preamble of the constitution. The commission was chair by Samuel Gompers, head of the AFL and was composed of representatives from nine different countries: Belgium, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, the UK and the United States. The tripartite structure which is the U.N’s only agency with government, employer and work representatives promotes decent work for men and women. International organisations dealing with labour standards began in the late 19th century founded by Robert Owen in Wales and Daniel Legrand in France. From 1919 the ILO continually revises and extends their goals and code to keep peace with progressive economic welfare.
the ILO hold different conventions that involve monitoring international labour standards as well as recommendations and codes of practice which set minimum standards of basic labour rights. They are trying to achieve the expulsion of child labour, better wages and working time throughout the world, better working conditions, the improvement of safety and health at work, labour migrations, the stop of forced labour, the end to workplace discrimination and improvement of gender equality. These are only a few examples of what the International Labour Organisation is trying to improve in todays' society. The ILO carries out research about work within the world, they have many offices and a headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland from which they carry out day to day tasks. They support a large number of cooperation projects as well as help build new organisations and offices in developing countries. They have many success which has helped the world.
As well as having many aims the International Labour Organisation has achieved many goals throughout the world. One of the main success is the eight core conventions which outline the labour standards worldwide. These conventions are; convention 29 forced labour, convention 87 freedom of association and protection of the right to organise, convention 98 organise and collective bargaining, convention 100 equal remuneration, convention 105 abolition of forced labour, convention 111 discrimination ( employment and occupation), convention 138 minimum age and convention 182 worst forms of child labour, these have all be freely accepted and have helped improve working conditions and lesson the frequency of labour conflicts. Other success of the ILO include the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969 in recognition of its activities. At the beginning of the 21st century 175 nations were members of the International Labour Organisation. All of these achievements have contributed to the way the ILO has helped the working