Interpersonal Communication

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Pages: 6

Marriage, the eternally sacred bond that signifies a deeper meaning to a relationship; one of the few human traditions that has lasted through all of humanity’s strife and eras of evolution. Each relationship requires a base, this can be gained through a long companionship or two people connecting with one another, and this is dependent on the two people in the relationship. However, conflict is something that is unforeseeable and at the same time, it is what drives the knowledge of compatibility between the two people in the relationship. The success of a relationship is much like a business, by using valuable soft skills such as communication, teamwork and practical expectations, the outcome of a relationship will be valuable and profited …show more content…
Often times, it is the lack of or the improper usage of communication that causes couples to break apart. Studies show that the first three minutes of an argument or a disagreement can demonstrate the relationship between the two people. By starting off a disagreement with loud voices, name calling, interrogation or criticism one or both partners would be unhappy and start to spiral out of their marriage. However, it is the couples who make eye-contact, speak with a normal, conversational tone, and have open questions instead of accusatory ones that cope through hard times and stay together. Communication is not only important during fights, but also during everyday conversations. If partner A is have a serious discussing with partner B, then B should not interrupt A until the speaker is finished and vice versa. This is because factors like interruptions and disturbances …show more content…
This leads to a disappointment if the couple hits disagreements, unforeseeable problems, failure to meet previously mentioned or promised goals all of which can sometimes lead to separation or divorce. Marriage in real life is not at all like what television portrays, there is no such thing as a “perfect” relationship and a successful relationship also does not come naturally to most couples. Both partners have to work on their relationship to ensure success. A major misconception that often overshadows reality is that without being intimate with your spouse the relationship will not last. This is untrue, although initial attraction is frequently based on passion and lust that does not signify the length of the relationship. The truth is that a relationship will fall apart without friendship, not intimacy; friendship is the basis of a successful relationship. If that disappears then there is no need for intimacy as all that would mean is worthless lust. There are many changes that happen during marriage, such as, economic hardships, pregnancy, paying bills, job loss. These events or problems that can surround them, cannot be taken away by intimacy. Having exceedingly high expectations for the marriage can be hard to satisfy and by keeping those expectations and not learning how to adjust in a marriage, both partners will have a