All minorities in Iran were involved in the nationalism; however each of them is a different contribution. For Iranians, the existence and using of national identity are mean as a natural product of historical evolution within a “unit nation”. In other words, according to historical sources, national identity and awareness of its existence among Iranian ethnic groups lead to conscious and friendly ties across the history. Thus, Iranian nationality and identity isn’t constructing in the modern era, because its roots are in the ancient history of Iran. According to the characteristics of the ancient nations, Iranian national identity and consciousness of it has been consistent across the historical periods. Over the passing of crisis, however, sometimes affected, but Iranian national identity could maintain and continuous reproduction its essential elements. Iran experiences of historical invasions such as Macedonian, Turks, Mongols and Tatars, shows that despite of their war victories, never these invaders successful, because they were Faced richer, stronger and older culture and …show more content…
Iranian identity as ideas and elements Identifier, detected as a living and dynamic reality by several different carriers, sometimes in the works of historians, poets and philosophers, and even in the shadow of counsel of the Iranian ministers and agencies, and sometimes by intellectuals. Obviously, in the course of this growing, Iranian identity has been multi-dimensional and multi-layered, and its intrinsic elements are more complicated. But never cut its relations with the past and still this identity is a basis of Iranian’s self-national. So it must be said: In each period, Iranian discursive space and consequently discourse of identity and its components will change. In the first period, in contrast to others that is entitled to Anyranies (Non Iranian) such as Turans, Romans, and Greeks and …, the mythological elements of ancient religion, geographical and political system constructed the national identity discourse. In the second period, Islam has an important role in the Iranian identity. During this period, Iranian that are non-Arab (ajam) called Arabs or their attacker as