He also had a defect in the left circumflex, which was thought to be due to thrombus. No intervention was performed to that vessel. He was continued on heparin, integrelin, propofol, and levophed drips until he was stable in ICU. He was slowly weaned to room air and remained stable to be transferred to telemetry. He was started on Metoprolol, Aldactone, Coumadin, ASA, Lipitor, and Plavix.
Pt vital sign are stable T- 98.1 orally, P 88 apical, BP 133/63 RA, R 16, O2 95% RA. Pt is A&Ox3, PERRLA, facial movements are strong and symmetrical with moist mucus membranes. Pt has +CSM, skin warm, dry and intact, cap refills <3sec, hand grasps equal. Apical pulse 88 BPM with regular rhythm, LS clear. Pt denies chest pain or discomfort. Denies dysnea or cough. Abdomen soft non tender, + BS, bathroom privileges, +PP, bilateral lower extremities skin warm, dry, and intact with equal strength, denies numbing or tingling in extremities. He reports some