Is Abortion Ethical

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Pages: 5

Abortion has been legal since 1973 and has been a controversial issue ever since. Annually, 46 million babies die from abortion worldwide. That’s nearly one baby being aborted every two seconds (Statistics, n.d.). Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice you are still killing an innocent unborn child. Furthermore, many people believe that it is a women’s entitlement to choose particularly in specific circumstances, such as rape, or wellbeing issues debilitating the mother’s life. A fetus and or embryo should have the right to life, aborting an unborn child is unethical because the methods which are carried out to uproot the fetus are awful, abortion is not a form of contraception and it also has a psychological impact on a woman.
Abortion is
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“One in twenty American women had an unintended pregnancy in 2001. In 2001, almost half of the 6.4 million pregnancies were unintended and about half of these ended in abortion” (Medoff, 2012). Woman should have more accountability for their actions and use contraception’s when engaging in unprotected sex particularly in this day an age where STD’s are on the rise. Abortion is not a form of contraception an unintended pregnancy is not an excuse to have an abortion. Irresponsibility does equate to making an immoral decision as an abortion. According to Alex Rich and Geraldine Wagner each year, about two percent of woman aged 15-44 have an abortion; half of them have had a least one previous abortion (2015). A study done in 2004 showed that 92 percent of women who had abortions, cited “social” or “other” reasons, rather than medical reasons or sexual assault, as the primary basis for their abortions (Rich & Wagner, 2015). Women felt they weren’t ready to be a mother or raise a child without the biological father being present. However, they were stable enough to engage in unprotected sex willingly knowing the consequences. Birth control methods are provided to everyone whether you decide to use condoms or take a birth control pill there are several methods of birth control that prevent pregnancy. The unborn child should not be punished for the selfish acts of a human who know right from wrong. By allowing women to decide on abortion for selfish reasons allows the American people to escape the consequences of their