Is It Fair That Work In The Criminal Justice System

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Pages: 2

1. Is it fair that those working in the criminal justice system are held to a “higher standard” than persons working in a civilian position? Explain.
I believe it is fair that those people that work in the criminal justice system are held to higher standards because you are dealing with people’s future and lives. For instance, the criminal justice system should always should be fair and impartial when deciding a sentencing, fine, etc. on a defendant. As to a civilian some don’t have the same role as deciding to effect some one’s life. But, as to me that I work in the Justice System I follow the code of ethics to a point because that’s what is required by the court. As it says in the book ask questions to yourself “Would I want the public to know about this? Would I like this to appear in the newspaper? These two are a test to know whether your conduct is ethical.

2. Why should you and I, as citizens of a state or city be outraged by unethical conduct of law enforcement officer or public officials in our state/city? There are several reasons!
There are several reasons as follow:
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They are getting paid from public budget.
2. They work for the public.
3. They are to serve and protect.
4. It’s expected from them to do the right thing.
5. They are trusted by the citizens.
3. Describe how police agency may reduce legal liability within the agency?
To reduce legal liability, the police need to have continuing training in the code of ethics. Review and update current policies in the department. Also, taking the citizen’s complaints seriously, by investigating and resolving those