The search for “IT” is a journey to find personal meaning the search for ultimate truth. Towards the end of the novel when Dean and Sal are traveling to Mexico, Kerouac quotes “It was no longer East-West but magic South.” “‘This will finally take us to “IT”’.” said Dean”. (Kerouac, 265) This belief in finding a deeper meaning and finally stumbling across “IT” is what drives Sal and Dean West and eventually South. Although their search for purpose on the road eventually ends and leaves Sal with nothing physical to show for, the act of searching and the journey it entails is what Sal eventually realizes is his goal and final meaning. In a conversation between Dean and Sal ‘“we can’t get to honesty – we search after it but we can’t catch it.”’ ‘“We keep on living in hopes of catching “IT” once and for all.”’ (48). In the end, although Sal is left with questions, his progress through life and his journey is full of personal