During the 1920’s Kerouac coveys the idea that society enforced rules that prevented many from doing or speaking as the pleased. Society “wanted elegance in the suburbs”, as it was stated in the Beat video. Many Americas believed in following the American Dream, and living by it. Women were forced to dress as required and serve the men as society called for. Everyone was to be the same, if not and they believed against the system, people would be put into shock factories. Society believed those who didn’t follow the American system had something wrong with their brain, so they would be “fixed” and forced to believe in what they asked in them. Lindberg continues to convey this idea of society by stating that “America loses individuality, everyone was a robot”. Lindberg reveals that Americans began to lose themselves and no longer had their own unique features, but everyone was the same and just followed what they were told just as robots do. By sating “loses individuality” Lindbergh clearly portrays that society effaces the idea that everyone should be the same and have to actions for themselves.
With the use of Sal Paradise Kerouac conveys that life shouldn’t be about sitting and suffering from the rules of society. By stating, “ Besides all my New York friends were in the negative nightmare position of putting down society…..raced in society”, Sal portrays that he believes that the idea of sitting down and simply looking down on