James Cook Research Paper

Words: 1272
Pages: 6

The ocean has many wonders whether it is the fascinating animals, or even just the ancient people’s who founded parts of it or the people that used the ocean as a resource for something interesting. For example, in the time of 1728-1779, James Cook was a British man who found himself to be the captain of the Royal Navy. He was also a cartographer, explorer and navigator during his life. While being a part of the Royal Navy, Cook found himself being asked to be the commander of the HMS Endeavour where he went on a group expedition to the South Pacific. During his expedition, he ended up being the first to provide an accurate map of the actual Pacific Ocean. (Seasky.org). In addition to James Cook being important, in 1874-1954 a Swedish Oceanographer with the name of Vagn Ekman discovered theories about the ocean currents that still prove to be useful today. Traveling back to the earliest of times, Phoenicians, Cretes and Egyptians sailed with their crews and, “mapped the regional coastlines to establish some of the earliest trading routes” (Dive and Discover). In the past, even just some …show more content…
(Submarine History). Submarines became possible all because of a man named William Bourne. He came up with the realization that if you, “…decrease the volume to make the boat heavier than the weight of the water it displaces, and it will sink. Make it lighter, by increasing the volume, and it will rise,” (Submarine History). Submarines have really helped scientific discoveries by increasing the underwater visibility for the use of scientists looking for different types of species of animals, or for seeing how deep the water is. The possibilities are endless for the submarine usage, because of the amount of pressure that the submarine can handle, it can go as deep as the scientist desires. Submarines are things that are great for oceanic