Japanese Internment Camps Research Paper

Words: 1031
Pages: 5

In 1992, over 120,000 innocent americans were taken from their homes and brought to internment camps where they would spend the next 3-4 years of their life. During World War II, after the bombing of pearl harbor took place, american citizens were filled with war hysteria and thus grew the paranoia and distrust of Japanese Americans. People rashly begun believing that anyone of japanese ancestry must support japan's decisions during this time and so japanese americans faced much suspicion and harassment. The internment of all these citizens ultimately accomplished little to nothing and in 1988, president Ronald Reagan had signed the “Japanese-American Reparation Act”, which included a formal apology and $20,000 given from the government to …show more content…
What little medical care they were given access to wasn't adequate enough to support all those living there. The WCCA centers that were set up were rushidly put together and the medical staff provided were not equipped to handle cases much bigger than things like smallpox, whooping cough or thyroid fever. The centers were also very unsanitary and because of this there were cases of food poisoning outbreaks around the camps. Because of how cramped the camps were the internees had very little privacy. There were sometimes where families would have to share their already packed rooms with strangers (Nelson). The bathrooms also had no privacy as there were no dividers between them and in some camps the men would build barriers between the mens and womens bathrooms themselves. Bathroom dividers were not the only things they had to build themselves however. They would also build things like schools so their children could have somewhere to go to learn (Hayoun 32). And because their barracks were so barren mothers would try to decorate with curtains and such and fathers would make furniture out of wood. Despite the situation they were forced into they still tried their best to make the most of their …show more content…
FDR described order 9066 as the removal of people who the military deemed necessary, from military areas. The reason for their targeting towards the japanese americans was that it was apparently hard to distinguish between who was aiding the enemy and who wasn't but there were reports taken from both before and during the internment camps were put into place that showed no signs of those interned being disloyal to the united states (Hawkins 36). The U.S was also at war with multiple other countries and there was a small portion of people of german and italian descent that were also interned but compared to the numbers of the japanese americans interned it's clear who the government was targeting with this act. Trump's order placed a ban on travel from 6 predominantly muslim oriented countries but there was an exception put into place for those considered a religious minority. The religious minorities in these countries hower, would be mainly christians so despite what he states, trump's order was pretty much an obvious an on muslims Because of this order and the generalization and stigma places onto muslims, hate crimes against muslims have gone up. A good quote describing what this ban means is ¨When we talk about mass deportations, Muslim registries and accusing