Japanese Internment Camps Research Paper

Words: 363
Pages: 2

Khloe Hotz 8 ELA Miss Wilson 18 April 2024.

People were impacted by internment camps forever.

“Shock, fear, and worry were common initial psychological reactions as Japanese Americans were forced to deal with the stress of enforced dislocation,” a quote about how the internment camps affected them. Japanese Americans were forced into camps for 3 years or even until the war was over. The effects along with the impact of being interned were experienced long after the closing of as well as the departure from the camps.

Manzanar affected them for life, with no way for them to forget about it. “Manzanar would always live in my nervous system”(pg 177) Jeanne from Farewell to Manzanar stated whenever she revisited the camp many many years later.