Jewish Ghetto Research Paper

Words: 232
Pages: 1

Joseph Bustamante Ms. Rushfeldt English, Block C February 26, 2024 The Jewish Ghettos It was late 1939, World War II had just started. The German soldiers had been capturing the Jews and taking them to concentration camps all around Europe. There were groups called, “The Jewish Ghettos”. They would hide in solitary away from the German soldiers, who would try to find them and send them away. Jewish Ghettos were originally formed in Poland in 1942 after most Jews had already been shipped away to concentration camps. The Jewish Ghettos were formed so the Jewish people could hide from the German soldiers trying to find them. Most Jewish Ghettos were evacuated and founded in 1942, and then they went to the Chelmno Death Camp between 1942 and 1945