By not telling the truth John would not be acting like a real man so he knew his only integrity left would be if he told the truth and not being selfish even though it would damage his image as a man outside of the courtroom. This proved that Elizabeth had the power to lie to the court so they would not know whether she was telling the truth or not during her trial. John is a man who wanted to be able to do other things on Sunday’s and not be forced to go to church, because he is a farmer so if his crops were ready he wanted to be able to work that Sunday to bring in his crops and not have to worry about people shaming him for not being at church and for working on a Sunday. John is skeptical of all of the accusations of the witch hunts and trials and represents the man of common sense, but he is a product of society to a certain limit. He is a string of enlightenment and wants to be able to miss church sometimes and for other people around him not to make it a huge