In “A&P” by John Updike a young character named Sammy goes through internal conflict and ends up making a rash decision based off of the girls he was defending. After closely analyzing the girls Sammy had understood the situation he was in. Sammy however, did not change in the story no matter how intense his interaction was. In john Updike’s story “A&P,” Sammy is depicted as an Observant, imaginative, and impulsive young man. The first trait that Sammy was depicted with in the story “A&P” was observant. Sammy was depicted in this way because of how he carefully and analyzed each girl. While the girls were walking Sammy was able to notice fine details and forge a character before even meeting them. In the story Sammy analyzed the first girl as “[A] chubby kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it where the sun never seems to hit” (Updike 294). He was able to see very minute detail in very little time. This ability didn’t change throughout the story. After Sammy quit his job and walked out he “[looked] back in the big windows” and was able to see all the items in the store between him and Lengel (Updike 299). …show more content…
Sammy is a very imaginative person in the story. While checking the girls out “Queenie”, also known as the leader of the girls, had said to Sammy that she was picking up the snack for her mother (Updike 295). Sammy then “Slid right down her voice into her living room. Her father and the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks” (Updike 297). After seeing what she had wanted to buy Sammy was able to forge an imaginary world where he was with her at a fancy party including the herring snacks and her lifestyle he thought she