His campaign in Gaul, which was a longtime resistor to the roman armies, led to the capture and control of it and the surrounding areas that it controlled. He also famously took England and expanded the borders to the northernmost it would ever go. His campaigns brought back lots of wealth, supplies, and slaves to rome which helped boost the economy more. In his endeavors he made people fear the roman army more so they wouldn’t attack, which helped keep the people safe. Caeser was one of the best generals because he actually craed about his people and about his troops, too. Though he was thought highly of by the majority of the people, he was hated by lots of others. He was seen as rude and arrogant to the people by some, whereas others saw him as a wonderful leader who deserved to be emperor. He may have been rash and declared himself ruler for life, but did anyone think that this was so he could help the citizens for a long time instead of until his term ran out? He was liked by his people which makes him a good ruler. No matter what we think of him now, he’s long dead and so his legacy is all we have, which shows him being a hero to the people. Julius Caeser was a great ruler and was well deserved to be emperor and not just consul. He was one of the most remembered rulers of all time, who made an enormous impact