Unit III Key terms and Concepts, 2014
Washington – Adams – Jefferson – Madison – Monroe – Q. Adams
1. First Bank of the United States – Hamilton and loose and strict construction
2. Hamilton’s Reports (Public Credit, the Bank, Manufactures) – all his crazy ideas, refinancing the debt, financially profitable, paid foreign debt, tax imports -> later became protective tariff
3. Whiskey Rebellion/excise tax – got repealed
4. Hamiltonian v. Jeffersonian philosophy (numerous questions) – loose v strict constructionism later repub v fed, party ideals, fed = $$$$, republicans – pro-french, fed = pro Britain
5. Loose v. strict construction
6. Federalist Party
7. Republican (Democratic-Republican) Party
8. The First Party System
9. the “elastic clause” – loose construction
10. The “Assumption” Bill – national gov takes responsibility for the states debts, some opposed it, they had to pay taxes to help the debt that they had already paid off
11. The “Residence” Bill – capital moved to DC
12. Washington’s Farewell Address – warned about the political parties
13. Cabinet – traditional norm and other presidents choose the cabinet based off party affiliation
14. Bill of Rights – state v fed power
15. Napoleonic Wars and U.S. foreign policy
16. Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 – not wanting to get involved in European Wars
17. Jay Treaty – treaty with Britain, was thought to be an alliance between
18. Pinckney Treaty – positive outcome of Jay Treaty, Spain was afraid of an alliance between US and Spain; made treaty with us
19. Citizen Genet – French guy was like heyyyy come fight for us bitches but Washington was like no chill
20. Elections of 1796 (adams), 1800 (Jefferson), and 1820 (Monroe one party system) (particularly those)
21. X, Y, and Z Affair – helped lead to the Quazi War
22. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions – nullification of the sedition acts and alien acts (state judging constitutionality of laws) no one knew to take it to the court, part of political campaigns, Republicans were like yahhhhman
23. The Alien and Sedition Acts (know specific acts) – restrict freedom of speech, national gazette talked bad about the government, Quazi War was coming on, was designed to prevent Repubs or people not in support of war with France
24. Quasi War – French perceived Jay Treaty as an alliance with Britain and attacked harbors and we retaliated
25. Convention of 1800 - Treaty of Mortefontaine, was a treaty between the United States of America and France to settle the hostilities that had erupted during the Quasi-War.
26. Convention of 1818- British reestablished the border for Canada helped with iron products being brought in, and the 49 boundary for Louisiana
27. Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) – purchase of florida
28. Louisiana Purchase – the purchase of land, nothing about if slavery could exist there, became a state almost immediately; federalists opposed it on constitutional grounds
29. Hartford Convention – fed tried to threaten to succeed froym the US; end of federalist era, can be seen as disloyalty
30. Tariff of 1816 – protective tariff, un exclusive purpose of revenue, different views of the way the US should operate (Ag v. Industry) part of American system ag people hella pissed
31. Second Bank of the U.S. – control the revenue, part of American system
32. Embargo Act – imposed an Embargo on our own trade, intent to hurt Great Britain, ended up hurting us, used as a weapon to make others recognize us
33. Non-Intercourse Act – trade with everyone but britain and france – response to embargo
34. Macon’s Bill #2 - The law lifted all embargoes with Britain and France (for three months). If either one of the two countries ceased attacks upon American shipping, the United States would end trade with the other, unless that other country agreed to recognize the rights of the neutral American ships
35. Impressment – capturing of foreign countries for your own benefit
36. “War Hawks” – people who wanted to fight