Kite Runner Research Paper

Words: 1538
Pages: 7

There is one action that can change people and bring them together in the most amazing of ways. This action of course is running. People have been running over the ages for many reasons such as food, survival, and entertainment. An amazing thing of the human body is how it has adapted to the stresses of running. Runners keep on attacking ultimate barriers such as the four minute mile. These athletes have grown to train, eat, and live in the best way to help them succeed. The development of runners has brought up a question. This question is what exactly has led to the increased speed of runners? Many things have fed into generations of runners becoming exponentially faster. A runner’s nutrition is one factor that has been added within the …show more content…
Well some research by Guinness has uncovered some facts. To be the completely and utterly perfect 100 meters runner there are some needed characteristics. The runner needs a reaction time of 100 milliseconds to get out of the blocks fast enough (Glenday 233). The runner needs a shaved head with aerodynamic glasses, skin tight aerodynamic running suit, and spiked shoes (Glenday 233). The runner’s top speed would be 29.4 mph and have 40% slow twitch to 60% fast twitch muscle ratio (Glenday 233). The runner’s leg inseam would be 40 in. and the runner would weigh 192 with 4% body fat (Glenday 233). This is what the perfect 100 meters runner would look like if there was one. Even the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt, doesn’t have all of these traits; so there is room for …show more content…
Runners have started to run with weights to improve their strength (Takaha). Steve Magness says, “... it’s been a constant process of refinement that got us to our present day mix of pretty high volume with a good amount of interval/intensity work thrown in.” The training techniques of runners alerters every so often to figure out what works best. In the early 1900’s the professional runner’s training techniques were long walks or runs with shorts amounts of sprinting (Magness). That type of training is what amatuer runners do today. In the mid 1900’s the training started to focus on intervals of running with high intensity (Magness). A picture of this for non-runners is running 400 meter 16 times averaging 65 seconds each time. Runners started to get quite bored with the seemingly endless intervals on the tracks so they started more distance training (Magness). The training changed again in the late 1900’s with the return of the intervals (Magness). The focus was not wholly on intervals but it was more integrated with distance than before. In today’s age the training has shifted to include a variety of intensities and distances (Magness). As you can see there is no absolute right way for runners to train. The best way for runners to train is with a variety of distances and intensities inside of the workout. Training is the best way for a runner to get faster, from trying hard everyday to putting in the