Figure 1: Representative graph of the 1s (625 µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 375µL), 2s (486 µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 514 µL), 3s (347 µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 653µL), 4s (243 µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 757µL), 5s (139 µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 861µL), and 6s (0µL of 1.44 mg/mL diluted in 1000µL) and their corresponding absorbance at 610 nm in the spectrophotometer for each micro tube.
The graph creates a standard curve for the relationship between the protein concentration and its absorbance at 610nm. The independent variables are in the X-axis, and the dependent variables are in the Y-axis. The trend has a R2 value of 0.9812
Table 1: The representative data of the actual protein concentration in A-Rice, B-Cow’s milk, and C-Protein shake respectively and their theoretical protein concentration contents labeled on each of the product with the related percentage error.
Unknown sample Absorbance at 610 (nm) Calculated protein concentration (g/mL) Theoretical protein concentration % difference
A-Rice 1.027 229.0909x10-6 0.0016 85.68181818
B-Cow’s milk 0.8139 1414.545455x10-6 0.036 96.07070707
C-Protein shake 0.958 13309.09091x10-6 0.08 83.36363636 Appendix:
Table 1: Absorbance of the BSA standard dilutions
Test tube Final standard protein concentration (µg/mL) Absorbance at 610 nm
1 900 1.7475
2 699.8 1.4716
3 499.6 1.377
4 349.9 1.207
5 200.16 0.992
6 0 0.7308
Table 2: Absorbance of unknown samples
Unknown sample Absorbance at 610 nm Dilution factor Abs x Dilution Factor
A-Rice 1.027 1 1.027
B-Cow’s milk 0.8139 1/40 32.556
C-Protein shake 0.958 1/80 38.32 , By using